An event dedicated to "July 2 - Police Day" was held in Shusha.

02.07.2024 - 10:40

National leader Heydar Aliyev has always paid great attention to the development of the Azerbaijani police and increasing its professionalism. A striking example of this is the Decree of the Great Leader dated May 24, 1998, which established "July 2 - Police Day" as a professional holiday.

A celebration of "July 2 - Police Day" dedicated to the professional holiday of police officers was held in the city of Shusha. The event was attended by the executive director of the Shusha city department of the state reserve Tural Novruzov, the head of the Shusha district police department Colonel Samed Magerramov, as well as heads of law enforcement agencies and employees of the police department.

Participants visited the "Alley of Shusha Martyrs" to honor the memory of those who died for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country.
