A new mıgratıon caravan has arrıved ın the cıty of Shusha

30.07.2024 - 11:54

A new migration caravan has arrived in the city of Shusha.

On July 30, the caravan departed from the Garadagh district of Baku and reached Shusha. At this stage, keys to apartments were handed over to 21 families, totaling 79 individuals who have been resettled in the city. The ceremony was attended by Elshad Iskanderov, Chief Advisor to the Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Shusha district, as well as staff from the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons and the State Reserve Administration of Shusha. To date, 147 families, comprising 570 residents of Shusha, have been provided with housing.
